Quick Start Guide

Free online literacy skill assessments and structured literacy instructional materials can support piloting evidence-based practices quickly and efficiently. Learning from implementation and results improves literacy and equity for ALL.

Get started on your Science of Reading journey today!

Step 1: Assess Foundational Reading Skills

Assess foundational reading skills (decoding or word recognition skills identified and illustrated in various Models of Reading) for all students who are not demonstrating grade-level reading expectations.

(1:27) Dr. Matt Burns explains various types of reading assessments, why leveling reading assessments are currently used, and what skills-based reading assessments should be used instead.

At least the following foundational reading skills should be assessed for screening to identify needs for instruction & intervention and progress monitoring to measure growth over time:


  • Alphabet Knowledge

  • Letter sound knowledge

  • Phonemic Awareness

  • Word Reading

1st Grade:

  • Alphabet Knowledge

  • Letter sound knowledge

  • Phonemic Awareness

  • Word Reading

  • Oral Reading Fluency

2nd-12th Grade:

  • Phonemic Awareness

  • Word Reading

  • Oral Reading Fluency

Example FREE Foundational Reading Skill Assessments

WI Dyslexia Roadmap Resources:

Step 2: Group Students by Phonics Skill

Group students for differentiated instruction by phonics skills aligned to the scope and sequence of your curriculum and instructional materials.

Example FREE Grouping Resources

Step 3: Use Structured Literacy Practices to Target Foundational Skills

Start with the easiest phonics skill and sequentially progress to more complex skills. Provide direct, explicit explanations for both reading and spelling. Use decodable text to practice the specific phonics skills.

(1:05) Linda Farrell and Michael Hunter of Readsters explain the usage of decodable vs leveled readers. Access the handout.

Example FREE Structured Literacy Instructional Resources

  • West Virginia Phonics, Tools 4 Reading, (Grade K-12)

      • Create an account and sign-in to access.

      • Can be implemented in the suggested sequence, or individual lessons can be used to target accuracy and automaticity in discrete phonics skills.

(14:00) Kelly McCormick and Karen Donnelly provide an overview of West Virginia Phonics for K-2 Interventions.

(23:43) Intentional Literacy demonstrates a West Virginia Phonics lesson which can be used in 1:1, small group, and whole group settings.

        • Model Lesson - (29:06) authors explain and demonstrate the resource.

Step 4: Measure Progress

Measure progress with decodable text weekly, assessing a minimum of Word Reading and Oral Reading Fluency.

(1:27) Dr. Matt Burns explains various types of reading assessments, why leveling reading assessments are currently used, and what skill-based reading assessments should be used instead.

Step 5: Schedule Time to Reflect on Progress Monitoring Data

  • Schedule reflection time in 3 weeks and 6 weeks to review progress monitoring data and celebrate!

  • Consider having students graph their daily or weekly progress.

  • Growth in student learning could come faster than you imagine!